Ideas For a Pet-Friendly Home

We all love our four-legged friends, and we want to be sure our home is their home too! There are a lot of things you can do to make sure your home is a paradise for your furry family members, so read on for some options that you might want to consider showing them how much they mean to you.

Set up pet stairs for your elderly cats and dogs

When your pets become advanced in age, it can be hard for them to climb up onto a favourite chair or bed, and you want them to be as comfortable as possible. Invest in a small set of ‘pet stairs’ that you can place near a higher surface and give them a hand getting up.

Install cat shelves to help them get high

Cats have a natural instinct to climb high, so help them out with well-placed shelves that give them a clear path up. It’ll keep them engaged mentally and physically during the day, but be careful about anything you might place on those shelves!

Set up a sunny spot for them to relax in

If you’ve ever felt how nice it feels to relax in the sun, you’ll know why your cats and dogs like to take a nap each afternoon in a sunny spot. Make this experience more comfortable for them by finding the spot where the sun hits each day and setting up a comfortable bed for them to get some rest.

Watch out for those cupboards!

You often think of baby-proofing cabinets, but pets can be surprisingly dexterous! Think about what low cupboards they might be able to nose their way into and consider if there are any harmful materials in them. You might want to ensure that any cleaning agents are safely out of the way, and maybe think about getting pet food containers with lids you need a pair of thumbs to open.

Think about your floors

You might not think about how much time your pets spend close to the floor, but it can make a huge difference in their comfort. This is especially true in the summer when hardwood or tile floors can help pets cool down when the temperatures rise. Be mindful of how slippery your floor is, you don’t want to call your dog and have them slide into a wall!


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